Thursday, 14 February 2008

Not a blog? It chuffing well is now.

Well, for years I've had my blog called the notblog... so sick I was back in the 80's (or 2004 to be precise) of the phrase blog - it was so wanky - that I decreed that my thing would be an online diary or internet ramblings or something.

For ages I kept this up - manually entering each post.

Then I realised this really took too long... and so I uploaded some technical swankery. This keeps going wrong and I get emails telling my my notblog is really not a blog, it's just a blank page.

Then, when it did work, it looked nice in Friefox, but all broke in IE.

So now, here I am on blogger with the rest of the world. It might not look as pretty, but it should do the job.

Like Judy Finnegan.


PS... as soon as I work out how I'll put all the old posts from there on here - but until then read them (if you can) here

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